Friday 15 May 2009

My Vintage Clothes experience

Hello everyone,

This is my first real blog so please excuse me if I am not that fluent. I have a passion for vintage clothes. Mainly from the 1940s and 1950s. It is not always easy to find the right items but I source my collection from Vintage fairs, ebay and (when I am lucky) charity shops. In fact I am going to a vintage fair on Sunday and hope to purchase something special.

Once I locate a suitable item its still a problem to find the correct size. I have a local lady who is a excellent seamstress. She alters lots of my things.

Last time I went to the fair I bought a beautiful vintage 50s summerdress. It fits perfectly,as you will see in the pictue, which is lucky as while trying it on I managed to damage the zip to the dress that I was wearing. Vintage clothes do take alot of looking after!